
Project Description and Solution

Interest in astrophysics among students, aligning with national
priorities, is evident with government-funded mega-projects like
LIGO and the Thirty-Meter Telescope. However, undergraduate
education often lacks practical exposure. To address this, the
GROWTH-India telescope, a collaboration between IIT Bombay
and the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA), provides hands-on
experience in observations, data acquisition, and analysis. Over
200 students, including those from other institutions, have been
trained, leading to numerous successful research and course
projects. This initiative has propelled students towards higher
studies globally, nurturing the next generation of astrophysicists.

Expected Impact

The funding allocation will enable the provision of
comprehensive training programs for an estimated cohort
of 200 students over the upcoming five-year period. Based
on existing statistical trends, it is projected that at least 20 of
these participants will pursue doctoral studies. Furthermore, an
initiative is underway to broaden the availability of educational
materials online, ensuring accessibility to students across the
nation. This strategic approach not only aims to nurture and
cultivate talent but also serves to fortify the foundation of
astrophysical research within India. By fostering a culture of
scientific inquiry and knowledge dissemination, this endeavour
contributes significantly to the advancement and innovation in
the field on a national scale.

Budget Technology Readiness Level Project Duration UN SDG NO:
INR 2.05 CRORES 8 5 Years 4

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