Mr. Shiv Narain Mathur has had an outstanding career dedicated to the development of the petroleum industry in the country. At present, Chairman & Managing Director of IBP Co. Ltd. He is also the Chairman of Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd, Biecco Lawrie Ltd., TBP Caltex Ltd, and Cochin Refineries Balmer Lawrie Ltd. and Director of Balmer Lawrie (UAE) Ltd., Numaligarh Refinery Ltd., and Indian Oiltanking Ltd.nnDuring his 29 years in the petroleum industry and Govt. of India he has had wide experience of working in major PSUs and has been a part of numerous policies making bodies. He worked in petroleum refineries in Mumbai and Malaysia and from 1978 to 1987 he was Head of the Technical Department of the Oil Coordination Committee and in corporate planning with HPCL. Subsequently he held the positions of Advisor (Refineries) in the Ministry of Petroleum& Natural Gas, Director (Production), HPCL, Chairman Managing Director, MRL and Chairman, Indian Additives Ltd.
Category: Alumni in News
Mr. L. R. Subramanyan
Mr. Lakshminarayanan R. Subramanyan is an entrepreneur who has made outstanding contributions in the fields of electronics, instrumentation and control. He heads a company, Situ Electro Instruments Pvt Ltd, in Mumbai which believes in total development of appropriate technology for Indian applications and has a number of important substitutes to its credit.nnnAfter brief stints as Development Engineer with FCI and Automatic Electric Ltd, Mr. Subramanyan started Situ Electro Instruments in 1971 with one employee and a first year turnover of R. 30,000/-. Today the same company has a turnover of Rs 2.5 crores and competes with multinationals such as ABB, Siemens, G.E- Harris, etc.nnSitu Electro Instruments have been involved in projects which include powerline and energy transducers and digital energy meters for a number of Electricity Boards around the country and for SCADA/ control Panel Manufacturers. They designed, developed and manufactured indigenously India’s largest distribution SCADA for BEST, Mumbai. Situ designed, developed and manufactured “under water mines” with on-board on-line FFT for monitoring ships signatures for Navy; besides development of monitoring equipment and controllers for agencies such as Navy, NPCL, RAPP, ECIL, ONGC, etc.nn
Dr. Ramani Ayer .
Dr. Ramani Ayer has had an outstanding career in the field of insurance and financial management.nnDr. Ayer joined The Hartford, one of the oldest and largest international insurance and financial enterprises in USA, in 1973 and rose up through the rank in the organisation. He was elected Assistant Secretary and Staff Assistant to the Chairman and Chief Executive of The Hartford in 1979 and in 1983 he was named Vice President of HartRe, The Hartford’s reinsurance subsidiary. In 1986, Dr. Ayer was named President of Hartford Speciality Company. He was elected a Senior Vice President of The Hartford in 1989, and Executive Vice President in 1990.n
Dr. Jitendra Bhatia
Dr. Jitendra Bhatia has had the unique distinction of pursuing his entire post-school academic education at IIT Bombay. After a stint with Hindustan Lever at Mumbai, Dr. Bhatia joined Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. in 1980 as Manager (R&D) and subsequently General Manager ( R&D) at Calcutta, where he had the responsibility of establishing and managing the R&D Centre of the company.nnIn 1990, Dr. Bhatia took over the Grease and Lubricants SBU of Balmer Lawrie, and played a key role in developing cooperation with the Fuchs Group of Germany, which eventually led to the formation of the new Indo-German joint venture company, Balmer Lawrie- Fuchs Ltd. Dr. Bhatia was nominated wholetime Director of the new company in 1994 and became its first Managing Director in 1995.n
Dr. Dileep Bhandarkar
Dr. Dileep Bhandarkar is recognised for his outstanding contributions in research and management in the Computer Systems Industry.nnAs Director (June 1997 onwards), System Architecture, Workstation Products Division, Business Platforms Group with Intel Corporation he is responsible for defining workstation platform direction, long term product planning and system performance analysis. Dr. Bhandarkar was earlier Director, Systems Performance Analysis and Architecture, Microprocessor Products Group of Intel.n
Prof. Ravindran Kannan
Dr. Ravindran Kannan is the recipient of the highest award in Discrete Mathematics – the Fulkerson Award.nnnConsidered as one of the world leaders in the areas of “geometry of numbers” and “probabilistic approximate algorithms”, his work with Dwyer & Frieze on a probabilistic approximate algorithm for the computation of the volume of a polytope, for which he & his coauthors won the Fulkerson award in 1991, has opened up an important area of research. Dr. Kannan has also had the honour of being a visiting Miller Research Professor, University of California, Alexender Von Humboldt Fellow, University of Bonn and a Member of New York Academy of Sciences. Following his B.Tech. at IITB where he took the silver medal in his discipline, Dr. Kannan did his masters and doctorate from Cornell University.n
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bharat Balasubramanian
Dr.-Ing Bharat Balasubramanian has had a distinguished career in the prestigious and renowned company, Daimler-Benz AG.nDr. Balasubramanian did his Mechanical Engineering (Hauptdiplom) at the technical University of Karlsruhe and obtained the degree Diplomigenieur’ with distinction in 1977. He did his Ph. D. at the technical University of Karlsruhe and obtained the degree ‘Doktor-Ingenieur’ with distinction.nnnHe began his career in 1977 with Daimler-Benz AG as computational analysis engineer in the CAE department and rose through the ranks in the Company. In 1981 he was promoted as a senior staff engineer. In 1984 he became the Manager of the Computational Analysis Department and in 1988 Senior Manager, “Computational Analysis and CAD”. In 1992 he rose to the position of Vice President “Full Vehicle Design ” Vice President “CAD/CAM, Product Documentation Standards,” Head of CAD/CAM competence centre and also Vice President Project “Total Quality Management” in the passenger car R&D. In 1997 he became Senior Vice President “Support Functions in the passenger car R&D and also became the Head of Daimler Benz EDM-Competence- Centre.
Mr. Nandan M. Nilekani
Mr. Nandan Mohan Nilekani has been one of the driving forces behind the emergence of the Indian software industry on the global map and holds the distinction of establishing, along with six others, a software company that is a role model for Indian industry. He is known to be an outstanding strategist, an excellent analytical thinker & an extraordinary communicator.nnnMr. Nilekani started his professional career in the software group at Patni Computer Systems Pvt. Ltd. Co-founder of Infosys, he was based in the US from 1981 to 1987, managing the marketing and development efforts. Since 1987, he has been based in Bangalore and has been responsible for world wide sales and marketing. He is currently the Managing Director/President and Chief Operating Officer.nnnInfosys Technologies Limited is one of the most respected software companies in India and the first to receive immediate ISO9001 certification. It is also the first Indian company to institute an Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP). Infosys, with a market capitalisation of over Rs. 4000 crores, is recognised as a leader of the Indian stock markets.n
Mr. Deepak Satwalekar
Mr. Deepak Satwalekar did his IIT Bachelor’s Degree in 1971 and obtained Master’s Degree in Business Administration in 1977 from The American University, Washington D.C.nnnMr. Satwalekar has been working with HDFC for the past 20 years. He rose up through the organisation from Finance Manager, General Manager Finance, Deputy Managing Director to become its Managing Director in 1993.nnnHDFC is the premium housing finance company in India and is today rated as one of the two best managed companies in the country.n
Mr. Atul Vijaykar
Mr. Atul Vijaykar did his Bachelor’s degree at IIT, and went on to do his M.S. in Industrial Engineering at University of Cincinnati and MBA at University of California.nnnMr.Atul Vijaykar has headed Intel’s operations in India since 1st July, 1995 and is responsible for the emerging markets in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Mr. Vijaykar has been with Intel for 18 years and has extensive experience in a broad spectrum of disciplines such as finance, operations management and business development.nnnPrior to his current assignment, Mr. Vijaykar was Business Development Manager in the Microprocessor Products Group at Santa Clara, U.S.A.n