Unveiling 2024’s DAA and YAAA Awardees: Celebrating Excellence in IITB’s Alumni Community

IIT Bombay is delighted to unveil the distinguished individuals who have left an indelible mark on the legacy of IIT Bombay.

The following alumni members are the recipients of the Distinguished Alumni Awards (DAA), honouring the outstanding accomplishments of esteemed alumni who have made exemplary contributions to their respective fields.

Our Young Alumni Achiever Awardees (YAAA) for 2024 include the following alumni members who have demonstrated remarkable promise and innovation in their burgeoning careers.

The DAA and YAAA embody the spirit of innovation, resilience, and unwavering dedication that defines our alma mater. Their stories inspire not only a sense of pride within our community but also ignite a collective hope for the limitless possibilities that lie ahead. In celebrating these extraordinary individuals, we fortify the bonds that connect us across time and achievements, fostering a legacy that continues to flourish within the vibrant tapestry of IIT Bombay.

Congratulations to all the recipients of the DAA and YAAA! We cannot wait to see what the future holds for all of you!