Unlocking CSR for Impactful Research: IIT Bombay Successfully Hosts Annual CSR Conclave 2024


IIT Bombay successfully concluded its much-anticipated Annual CSR Conclave on June 17, 2024. The theme of this year’s conclave, ‘Unlocking CSR for Impactful Research,’ brought together domain experts, industry heads, and corporate leaders to explore the pivotal role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in propelling research initiatives and technological advancements, that have the potential to empower both the society and the nation. The event was attended by over 200 corporate delegates.

Reflecting IIT Bombay’s legacy of innovation and excellence, the conclave underscored the Institute’s leadership in societal advancement. The Institute has employed a comprehensive three-pronged approach to drive impactful research and technological advancements. Consequently, IIT Bombay has invested in areas of strategic national importance such as defence, quantum technology, AI, and cybersecurity. It continues to drive economic growth and societal progress in critical sectors like semiconductors, green energy, and pharmaceuticals. Finally, innovations emerging from the Institute significantly impact key domains like healthcare, sanitation, and education which are aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


The conclave commenced with a warm welcome from Prof. Shireesh B. Kedare, the new Director of IIT Bombay, who set the tone for the day’s discussions and activities. Prof. Kedare brings a wealth of experience and expertise to his role as Director of IIT Bombay. Before assuming this position, he held several key roles, including Independent Director at ONGC (Oil and Natural Gas Corporation); Expert Member (S&T) of the Commission at the Khadi and Village Industries Commission; and Professor-in-Charge at the Centre of Excellence in Oil, Gas, and Energy at IIT Bombay. Prof. Kedare emphasized the Institute’s commitment to innovation for societal impact and its role as a leader in driving research and technological advancements that address pressing societal challenges.

Prof. Kedare expressed his optimism for the conclave, stating “I encourage each of you to think about how you can contribute to or enhance these initiatives. The path to a sustainable and equitable future requires collective effort and shared wisdom. It is up to us, as leaders in our respective fields, to ensure that our actions today create a positive and sustained effect on the generations to come.” He also elaborated on the Institute’s robust technological ecosystem and said, “At its heart are the Centres of Excellence and state-of-the-art labs that are pushing the boundaries of what is possible in science and technology. We look forward to further collaborations and breakthroughs that will shape the future of science and technology, both nationally and globally.”

In his address, Prof. Kedare also stressed the symbiotic relationship between academia and the corporate sector in driving societal progress. Elaborating on the Companies Act of 2013 which mandates corporates to allocate CSR funds towards collaborative research endeavours, Prof. Kedare pointed out that less than 0.2% of total CSR funds in India are allocated to educational institutions. This underutilization stems, in part, from a lack of awareness regarding classification and eligibility criteria. He said, “This presents a significant opportunity for us to further leverage CSR to drive impactful research, innovation, and societal change. Contributions to IIT Bombay by corporate entities not only fulfil their CSR obligations but also empower us to channel resources into pioneering research and technological breakthroughs that benefit society at large.”


The Institute had the honour of welcoming its esteemed alumnus, Mr. Adil Zainulbhai (B.Tech., Mechanical Engineering, 1977), Chairman of the Capacity Building Commission, Government of India, who presided as the Chief Guest. Mr. Zainulbhai, with his wealth of knowledge and experience from his tenure as the Chairman of McKinsey India and the Quality Council of India, enriched the event’s discussions and inspired innovative approaches to CSR partnerships.

Mr. Zainulbhai reflected on the significance of CSR partnerships in his address, stating, “The theme ‘Unlocking CSR for Impactful Research’ serves as a clarion call for industry and academia to join forces and leverage corporate social responsibility (CSR) in propelling innovation and societal progress. As an alumnus of this esteemed Institute, it is my profound honour to witness the impactful legacy being forged by my alma mater through endeavours such as this Conclave. By strategically investing CSR resources into innovative research, we can drive technological advancements that not only address societal needs but also catalyse sustainable development.”

In his speech, Mr. Zainulbhai also discussed the challenges and opportunities in research, emphasizing the importance of strategic effort and systemic change in research funding, and moving away from reliance on government grants. He highlighted the disconnect between academia and industry, advocating for stronger personal connections and collaborations to leverage mutual strengths. Citing global technological advancements, he urged India to aim for similar progress, particularly in AI and green technologies. Mr. Zainulbhai also called for scaling up successful initiatives and stressed the need for targeted challenges to measure success effectively.


Mr. Zainulbhai’s thought-provoking address was followed by Mr. Ravi Gedela, CEO of the IIT Bombay Development Relations Foundation, who highlighted the Institute’s commitment to fostering impactful collaborations and leveraging CSR initiatives for societal progress.

The conclave also featured a Fireside Chat that witnessed the convergence of two of IITB’s Distinguished Alumni including Mr. Zainulbhai and Dr. Ganesh Natarajan (PhD, School of Management, 2005). Dr. Natarajan is a distinguished leader and visionary in the realms of technology, business, and social impact. As the Chairman of 5F World, GTT Solutions, Honeywell Automation India, and Lighthouse Communities, he exemplifies a commitment to driving innovation and fostering growth.

Mr. Zainulbhai and Dr. Natarajan discussed several challenges including low government investment in research compared to countries like China and the US, difficulty in securing company funding due to intangible outcomes, and a lack of public awareness about IIT Bombay’s research. They also made various recommendations for improvement including highlighting success stories to generate excitement, encouraging researchers to create marketable solutions, targeting CSR funding strategically, improving communication through modern channels, and leveraging the 1,400 Global Competency Centres in India. Additionally, they emphasized the importance of individual researchers’ passion and the growing role of AI and Machine Learning in research as well as the increasing need for private sector investment in R&D.

The Fireside Chat provided valuable insights and actionable recommendations, underscoring the importance of strategic collaboration and innovation in advancing IIT Bombay’s research capabilities and driving societal impact.


The conclave featured two impactful panel discussions.

The first was the Impact of Corporate Partnerships through CSR to Advance Research in Areas of Technology” which highlighted the need to foster a collaborative environment, where new ideas and strategies can emerge to fuel technological innovations for the progress of society and the nation. Each of the panellists brought a wealth of experience and insights into the role of corporate partnerships in driving technological advancements. They included:

  • Mr. Jatin Phutela, Managing Director and COO – India at Citadel Securities India
  • Ms.Sherin Ali from WNS
  • Amit Yadav from SLB

The second panel discussion focused on the theme of “Simplifying Board Decisions on CSR Partnerships with Academia” where panellists explored the transformation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) from a peripheral activity to a core strategic function. Additionally, the panellists delved into how leveraging partnerships with academic institutions can yield valuable research and innovative solutions, ultimately leading to impactful CSR outcomes.

Panellists included:

  • Dr. Ganesh Natarajan, Chairman of 5F World, Lighthouse Communities, and Honeywell Automation India Ltd.
  • Maya Vengurlekar, COO of CRISIL Foundation
  • Nikhil Pant, Chairman & CEO of REACHA and Founder of Lakshyaa


One of the key events at the Conclave was the ‘Tech Showcase’ where faculty members from IIT Bombay showcased cutting-edge innovations and research initiatives through a diverse array of presentations. These provided valuable insights into addressing critical societal issues, demonstrating the Institute’s dedication to translating research into tangible and meaningful results.

Key presentations included:

  • Prof. Varun Bhalerao – Satellites and Space Technology
  • Prof. C. Subramaniam – What’s Hot in Solar?
  • Prof. Dipti Gupta – Sustainable and Economical Manufacturing of BioSensors
  • Prof. Guruswamy Kumaraswamy – Tyre Wear Microplastics
  • Prof. Milind V Rane – Solar Steam Generators
  • Prof. Pratibha Sharma – Solid-State Hydrogen Storage
  • Prof. Raghu Murtugudde – Early Warnings from Days to Decades for all Sectors
  • Prof. Srinivasan Ramakrishnan – NextGen Battery R&D and Education @ IIT Bombay
  • Prof. Sunita Sarawagi – AI-Powered Database Query and Analysis
  • Prof. Arti D. Kalro – Tata Centre for Technology and Design


The Tech Exhibition Stalls highlighted technologies developed by various centres, including the Koita Centre for Digital Health (KCDH), the Wadhwani Research Centre for Bioengineering (WRCB), the Biomedical Engineering and Technology Innovation Centre (BETIC), the Trust Lab, the EV Lab, and more.


The event also marked the launch of the “Annual CSR Catalogue, 2024,” which highlighted several research projects at the Institute across sectors such as education, healthcare, nutrition, rural development, entrepreneurship, and women empowerment. The catalogue provided detailed information on ongoing projects and opportunities for partnerships, fostering collaboration and transparency and enhancing the impact of contributions.

The link to the catalogue can be found here.

Strategic Partnership Awards

The day culminated with the Strategic Partnership Awards ceremony that recognised and honoured IIT Bombay’s Leading Partner Organisations for their outstanding contributions to driving positive change and societal impact. These ranged from setting up cutting-edge research Centres of Excellence to bolstering infrastructure, establishing labs, providing Chair Professorships to faculty members, and supporting various initiatives aimed at societal progress. The following corporates were honoured during the ceremony:

  • HiMedia: WRCB Bioinnovation Laboratory
  • Coal India:Construction of Women’s Hostel-21 at IIT Bombay
  • FedEx: IITB-FedEx Centre for Advanced Logistics and Analytics
  • SBI Foundation: SBI Foundation Hub for Data Science and Analytics
  • Oracle: Provide scholarship support to young women pursuing higher education in Science and Technology
  • Citadel:IITB-Citadel Securities Quantitative Research Lab
  • Tower Research Capital:Machine Learning for Social Good Lab
  • Synopsys:IITB-Synopsys Semiconductor Lab for Virtual FAB Solutions
  • Roadstar: Research project on Pavements and Institute Development (R&D as per Schedule VII)
  • HSBC:
    a. Pan-IIT – Innovation in Green Hydrogen programme
    b. Landscape analysis for four coastal states on climate resilient WASH infrastructure – CRCCP
  • BFI Biome: Catalyzing and promoting healthcare innovation to improve public health in India


Prof. Ravi Gudi delivered the Vote of Thanks and recognised the services of myriad organisers, attendees, corporates, faculty, students and staff members of IIT Bombay who made the conclave a massive success.

As the Annual CSR Conclave at IIT Bombay drew to a close, it underscored the critical role of CSR partnerships in fostering innovation, advancing research, and addressing pressing societal challenges, toward a future defined by progress, inclusivity, and resilience.


The successful conclusion of IIT Bombay’s Annual CSR Conclave 2024 is a critical reminder that corporates must collaborate with institutions like IIT Bombay to foster and drive innovation and address pressing societal challenges. As a leader in engineering education and research, IIT Bombay’s commitment to leveraging CSR for impactful research underscores its dedication to advancing technology for the betterment of society. Through partnerships forged at such conclaves, IIT Bombay not only strengthens its position as a global leader in research but also plays a crucial role in propelling India towards a future defined by progress, inclusivity, and resilience. By harnessing the power of CSR, institutions like IIT Bombay pave the way for transformative change, driving societal impact and economic growth that benefits the nation as a whole.