From the Dean's Desk December-2023

Prof. Ravindra D. Gudi

Ph.D., FNAE and FIIChE
Dean – Alumni and Corporate Relations
Institute AI & ML Chair Professor

Dear Alumnus/Alumna,

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant.”
                                                                — Robert Louis Stevenson

As December unfolds and we find ourselves on the cusp of bidding farewell to another remarkable year, I feel very reflective at the myriad milestones and accomplishments that have shaped our Institute during the incredible year that has been 2023. It was also a truly amazing experience for us to connect and meet with our alumni across the globe beginning from down under in Australia to the UK, USA, and Canada. Our meetings with all of you once again underscored the sublime attachment, love, and connect that you have with your alma mater. I want to reiterate that at every stage, your connection to IIT Bombay is an enduring thread that weaves to bind us more strongly through each of your, as well as the Institute’s, successes and breakthroughs. I am thrilled to share with you the latest updates and accomplishments that define the spirit of our alma mater.

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Relive precious campus memories
In these stylish hoodies and tees

Cherish the IITB connect
With these cool fridge magnets

Stroll around with swag
In these trendy caps

Not just merchandise
But symbols of our legacy

Flaunt it all with pride
Celebrate the spirit of IITB

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Crafting Arguments and Debating Brilliance: IIT Bombay's Nayantara and Sharun Triumph at ABP

IIT Bombay's commitment to nurturing multifaceted talent across diverse academic domains was recently exemplified by the outstanding performance of its two third-year students, Nayantara Ramakrishnan and Sharun Nikesh, at the prestigious Asian British Parliamentary Debating Championship (ABP) in 2023. The duo's remarkable 3rd-place finish underscored the Institute’s dedication to fostering holistic excellence and producing accomplished graduates.

The Dean ACR Newsletter is delighted to speak with Nayantara and Sharun for the December 2023 edition.

Hi, Nayantara and Sharun! First of all, congratulations on placing third at the Asian British Parliamentary Debating Championship (ABP) in 2023! What an incredible honour! How does it feel to rank so high in this extremely tough competition?
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From Engineer to Philanthropist: Ashok Abhyankar's Lifelong Legacy of Service and Impact

IITB alumnus, Mr. Ashok (Ash) Abhyankar was recently bestowed with the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award by the illustrious Drishti Group during their 9th annual Gala celebrations in British Columbia. The Drishti Team orchestrated a remarkable event even as Mr. Abhyankar’s exceptional recognition unfolded amidst the presence of over 800 leaders, and encapsulated a splendid tapestry of the community’s diverse and vibrant talents.

Receiving this prestigious accolade, Mr. Abhyankar said, “My journey to Drishti was built and ingrained in me at IITB in Powai. It was very humbling to have been honoured with a Lifetime Achievement Award.”

Mr. Abhyankar is no stranger to receiving such prestigious honours. As he says, “ This was a second lucky and humbling experience for me this year, having been honoured with a Lifetime Achievement Award in May by NAED, the National Association of Electrical Distributors and Manufacturers, representing a $700B+ North American industry.”

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Anil Kshirsagar: A Dedicated Volunteer

Meet Mr. Anil Kshirsagar! As you enter the world of alumni empowerment at IIT Bombay, the visionary efforts of Mr. Kshirsagar are visible for all to see. Kshirsagar. A pivotal figure in the creation of the IIT Bombay Heritage Foundation (IITBHF), Mr. Kshirsagar’s story is one of passion, dedication, and transformative leadership. Hear him in his own words as he unveils the genesis of IITBHF and explores the profound impact it has had on fostering a vibrant and connected global alumni community for IIT Bombay.

Over to Mr. Kshirsagar.

“The title of this new vertical in the newsletter brings back so many memories! The afternoon “tiffin” of chai and samosa was a big relief for us. It meant that the day's classroom and lab sessions were over and we could connect with our hostel mates and discuss various topics like sports, music, drama, etc.

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Upcoming Events

Foundation Day

The foundation stone for IIT Bombay was laid by the Late Shri Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, then Prime Minister of India, on March 10, 1959. Since then, the Institute has grown from strength to strength and is now recognized as one of the premier engineering institutions in the world. IIT Bombay celebrates its annual Foundation Day […]

Day & Date: March 10, 2025
Venue: Prof. B. Nag Auditorium, VMCC, IIT Bombay
Gogri Hub for Membranes Research Conference

The Gogri Hub for Membranes Research Conference on ‘Applied Membrane Technology and Translational Research (AMTTR 2025)’ will be held at IIT Bombay in March 2025. The goal of the conference is to empower industry-academia collaborations to drive real-world solutions and advancement in membrane technology. This translational research hub aims to advance membrane technologies from lab breakthroughs to […]

Day & Date: Mar 03 - Mar 04, 2025
Venue: VMCC, IIT Bombay

From the Dean's Desk December-2023

Dear Alumnus/Alumna,

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant.”
— Robert Louis Stevenson

As December unfolds and we find ourselves on the cusp of bidding farewell to another remarkable year, I feel very reflective at the myriad milestones and accomplishments that have shaped our Institute during the incredible year that has been 2023. It was also a truly amazing experience for us to connect and meet with our alumni across the globe beginning from down under in Australia to the UK, USA, and Canada. Our meetings with all of you once again underscored the sublime attachment, love, and connect that you have with your alma mater. I want to reiterate that at every stage, your connection to IIT Bombay is an enduring thread that weaves to bind us more strongly through each of your, as well as the Institute’s, successes and breakthroughs. I am thrilled to share with you the latest updates and accomplishments that define the spirit of our alma mater.


During late November, we embarked on a truly enjoyable journey to the United Kingdom and were delighted to foster invaluable connections and rekindle the spirit of collaboration with our esteemed alumni there. Please look for a detailed Special Report on the same in the newsletter.


As you are well aware – from November onwards, our IIT Bombay campus comes alive with joyous reunions and the enduring connections forged with our alumni community. We celebrated the first of our reunions as we welcomed the Class of 1973 MSc for their 50th reunion on campus. Please look for a more detailed write-up in a Special Report on the same in the newsletter.


I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our annual Alumni Day celebrations on December 24, 2023. I eagerly look forward to commemorating our shared journeys and reflecting on the bonds between us that have made our alma mater a vibrant beacon of academic and research excellence, as well as impactful translations.


This month’s newsletter includes a Special Report on Alumination 2023: A Resplendent Resurgence. I am delighted to share a sneak peek into the incredible efforts of our Student Alumni Relations Cell (SARC), a dynamic student body dedicated to fortifying the bond between students, alumni, and our beloved Institute. Under the astute leadership of the Dean ACR office, this vibrant team of over 100 students worked tirelessly to enhance alumni interactions through a multitude of initiatives, including events, mentorship programs, and enriching field visits and made Alumination 2023 a brilliant success.


We also have a Special report on the ACCESS Awards – a competition spearheaded by our very own Vinaya and Samir Kapoor that celebrates innovation and commitment to sustainability and rewards some of the trailblazing ideas aimed at addressing pressing climate challenges.


As we embrace the festive spirit and prepare to welcome a new year filled with promise, your continued involvement and support remain the heartbeat of our vibrant IIT Bombay family.As we approach the close of this year, may the spirit of accomplishment and the promise of new beginnings guide you into a joyous and prosperous New Year. Here’s to the collective success of our IIT Bombay family, even as I look forward to sharing more exciting updates and achievements in the coming months.


I wish you all a wonderful holiday season, a merry Christmas, and a very Happy New Year!


Warm regards,

Prof. Ravindra D. Gudi, Ph.D., FNAE and FIIChE
Dean – Alumni and Corporate Relations
Institute AI & ML Chair Professor