Towards that end FAN meets once every year alternatively between the US and India. Faculty from IITB, alumni of IITB who work as faculty members in various academic institutions all over the world, as well as a few invited distinguished alums from the industry gather together and exchange ideas, showcase their research interests and collaborate on the various themes set during each annual event.
Our Mission
Connecting alumni, academics and researchers to further IIT Bombay’s Tryst with Excellence,” reflects the core value of the Institute.

FAN Objectives
- Assist in making IIT Bombay a premier world class research and teaching institution
- Raise the worldwide visibility of IIT-Bombay’s students and faculty
- Help improve teaching programs at IITB – both at the graduate and undergraduate levels
- Help with recruiting the best faculty to IIT Bombay
- Help various departments and faculty at IIT Bombay develop world class research programs
- Promote networking among FAN members