
  • calendar_today April 24, 2024

Apr 24

Inauguration of 10X GMP Facility

The Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Facility, generously established by IITB Distinguished Alumnus, Mr. Raj Nair (Class of 1971) will be inaugurated on campus in April. This visionary contribution propels forward the translation of research findings into tangible healthcare solutions at IIT Bombay.

This state-of-the-art GMP Facility, nestled within the Biosciences and Bioengineering (BSBE) Building, represents the critical next step following translational research, enabling the production of small batches of products essential for human trials.

Date: April 24, 2024

Time: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Venue: Prof. B. Nag Auditorium, Victor Menezes Convention Centre, IIT Bombay