Mr. P. L. Bongirwar received his B. Tech. (Honours) from the Civil Engineering Department in the year 1967, and went on to complete his M. Tech in Structural Engineering in the year 1969.
Through the Competitive Examination conducted by the Maharashtra Public Service Commission, Mr. Bongirwar joined the Public Works Department as Executive Engineer rising to Superintending Engineer and Chief Engineer.
At present, Mr. Bongirwar is holding the post equivalent to Secretary, Public Works Department and is working as Joint Managing Director with Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation Ltd., Mumbai. In his present capacity, Mr. Bongirwar is in- charge of the prestigious Mumbai-Pune Expressway, 50 flyovers in Mumbai and 29 ROBs in the State.
Mr. Bongirwar has evolved new innovative design and construction methodology. To mention some of these noteworthy and cost-effective ones; Semi-circle Arch Bridge for vented causeway, Bridge cum Bandhara for River on Purna near village Kherkhada, which also won the award of Indian Institutes of Bridge Engineers as the “Innovative Bridge Design”.
Mr. Bongirwar was honoured with the UNDP fellowship to study the subject of “Computer Application in Bridge Design” at the University of Maryland, Washington. He also visited Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia & Bangkok to study the implementation of BOT works.
The Late S. B. Joshi Memorial Award for the year 1998 was awarded to Mr. Bongirwar by the Institute of Engineers.
Mr. Bongirwar has served in various capacities in several IRC committees and Study Groups. He has co-authored a book on “Limit State Design Hand Book for R.C. Members” and has also written a PWD handbook on RCC works. As also he has contributed several technical articles.