Dr. Vivek S. Borkar ranks among the top practioners of control theory world wide. His contribution to the theory of stochastic control is profound and broad, and some of his results on adaptive control are the most general available today.
Dr. Borkar is professor in the Department of Theoretical Computer Science at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai since 1999 and was earlier with the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He has held visiting faculty positions at prestigious institutions such as Technische Hogeschool Twente, M.I.T., USA, University of Maryland, Scoula Normale Superiore, Pisa, and University of California, Berkeley.
His work has been recognized with a number of awards and distinctions- S.S. Bhatnagar Award, 1992, Fellowships of the Indian Academy of Science and Indian National Science Academy, and the Homi Bhabha Fellowship.
Dr. Borkar has had a prolific publication output: over 60 papers in leading journals, 36 conference papers besides 3 monographs and several popular articles. To quote colleague -“As with most of his papers, Prof Borker’s short books on stochastic processes& control are little jewels of elegant analyses”.