Dr. Beheruz Sethna has served in leadership posts in University education development and management in the USA since 1989. Dr. Sethna is the first Indian-born person to become CEO of a university in the United States of America. In October 1999 Dr. Sethna was appointed as the interim senior vice chancellor of academic affairs of the University System of Georgia, USA. Since August 1994 he has served as President of the State University of West Georgia, a campus of 8,700 students. Among the many achievements he is credited with, was the launching of Georgia’s first Advanced Academy for gifted high-school students , obtaining approval for campus master plan, awarding the University’s first honorary doctorates, and the state’s first Honours College.
Dr. Sethna is a B.Tech. (1971) in Electrical Engineering from IIT Bombay, MBA (1973) from IIM Ahmedabad and Ph.D. (1976) in Business from Columbia University.
Dr. Sethna has earned recognition for his teaching innovations from the Decision Sciences Institute in areas of marketing, management information systems , CAD/CAM etc. Recently he has been awarded Honours Professor of the year by the students Honours Council, Honorary Alumnus Award by University of West Georgia Alumni Association and citizen of the year award by Carroll Country Chamber of Commerce. He has authored more than 50 scholarly papers and a book.