Our Vision
We share the vision of Dr. Sukhatme, Director of IIT Bombay, as expressed at the Chicago summit meeting in September 1999 – “I dream of an IIT which never forgets that it has a tryst with excellence”. The core aim of both IITBHF and IITBAA is to bring together the diligent minds of IITB’s alumni and make IITB one of the leading research and teaching institutes in the world.
The Institute utilizes wisely the generous donations, bequests, gifts, and grants received from the alumni, chapters, benefactors, corporations, and trusts for education and research purposes.
SARC also uses the Dean ACR newsletter (AKA Knowledge Tree) to update alumni about the various student activities at IITB and apprise them of the latest research being conducted by the institute.
By executing alumni-driven initiatives for the benefit of students and assisting the Alumni Association (AA) in organizing various reunions, SARC bridges the gap between the Institute and its alumni. It also gives the volunteers of SARC an insight into the world of the alumni.
To learn more about SARC: